With this calculator you can convert volts Linea-neutral to line-line automatically, easily and free, for greater ease in the calculator the word Phase is similar to Linea.
Here you can find the formula used in the Line-Neutral to Linea-Line Volts calculation, the steps to go from the Neutral-Linea to Linea-Linea Volts with some examples and a table with Line-Neutral to Linea Volts conversions -Line.
Formula Volt Phase-Neutral to Phase-Phase:
- V LN = Volts line-neutral.
- V LL = Volts line-line.
How to convert Phase-Neutral Volt to Phase-Phase in 1 single step:
Step 1:
You must do is multiply the Linea-Neutral Voltage (Phase-Neutral) by root of 3 (√3). Example: An electric heater has a Phase-Neutral voltage of 254V, to know the phase-phase voltage of the heater simply multiply 254V by √3, remaining as follows: 254Vx√3, resulting in 440Voltios Linea-Linea.
Examples of Phase- Neutral Phase-Phase Voltage Conversion:
Example 1:
A compressor has a Line-to-Neutral voltage of 360Volts, how many volts Linea a Linea has the compressor ?.
Answer: // The calculation of Linea-Line voltage of the compressor requires multiplication of Linea-Neutral voltage by root of three in the following way: V LL = 360V * √3, which will result in 624 Volts Linea-Linea.
Example 2:
A steel industry has a Phase-Neutral voltage of 230Volts, how much will be the Phase-Phase voltage that this industry will have?
Answer: // The answer is known only by multiplying 230Volts per root of 3, in the following way: V LL= 230Vx√3 = 398.4Volts Phase-Phase.
Example 3:
A boiler has a line-to-neutral voltage of 7600Volts, how much line to line voltage will the boiler have?
Answer: // What you must do to know the Voltage line to line is to multiply the line-neutral voltage by √3, by means of the formula V LL = 7600Vx√3, obtaining as a result: 13163Voltios Linea-Linea.
Table of Conversion of Voltage Phase- Neutral to Phase-Phase:
How much Phase-Neutral Voltage are | Equivalence Voltage Phase-Phase |
120 V (Line-Neutral) | Equivalent to 207.8 V (Linea-Linea) |
130 V (LN) | 225.2 V (LL) |
137 V (LN) | 237.3 V (LL) |
143 V (LN) | 247.7 V (LL) |
149 V (LN) | 258.1 V (LL) |
229 V (LN) | 396.6 V (LL) |
241 V (LN) | 417.4 V (LL) |
250 V (LN) | 433.0 V (LL) |
264 V (LN) | 457.3 V (LL) |
276 V (LN) | 478.0 V (LL) |
287 V (LN) | 497.1 V (LL) |
299 V (LN) | 517.9 V (LL) |
356 V (LN) | 616.6 V (LL) |
2412 V (LN) | 4177.7 V (LL) |
6592 V (LN) | 11417.7 V (LL) |
7631 V (LN) | 13217.3 V (LL) |
8670 V (LN) | 15016.9 V (LL) |
19929 V (LN) | 34518.0 V (LL) |
25413 V (LN) | 44016.6 V (LL) |
33208 V (LN) | 57517.9 V (LL) |
38115V (LN) | 66017.1 V (LL) |
66405 V (LN) | 115016.8 V (LL) |
How to use the Voltage Phase- Neutral to Phase-Phase calculator:
Only the voltage Linea to neutral that you want to convert must be inserted and then click on the convert button and that’s it.
Rate Neutral-Linea to Linea-Line Volts Converter: