kVA to Watts – How to calculate, examples, table and formula

Automatic calculator from kVA to Watts. Explanation of the formula used for the calculation, how to convert Watts to kVA in 1 step , some examples and a table with the main conversions from kVA to Watts.

We also show the most common power factors of different constructions, appliances and motors.

Formula to convert, calculate, transform kVA to Watts:formula kva to watts

  • W = Watts or Watt.
  • Fp = Power factor.
  • kVA = Kilovolt-Amperes.


How to convert from kVA to Watts in 1 step only:

How to convert from kVA to Watts in 1 step only

Step 1:

To convert from kVA to Watts you must multiply the kVA by the power factor (FP) and then by 1000. If you do not know the power factor of the load, you can consult the most common fp on this website: http://calculatorsconversion.com/es/factor-de-power-motores-construcciones-electrodomesticos/

For example, an electric motor has a power of 45kVA, with a power factor of 0.88, to convert to Watts the power that is in kVA must be multiplied 45kVA by 0.88 and then by 1000, as follows 45kVAx0.88 × 1000 = 39600Watts.

Examples of conversions from kVA to Watts, three-phase, biphasic and monophasic:

Example 1:

An extractor of a tunnel has a power of 34kVA, with a power factor of 0.81, how many Watts does this motor have?

Answer: // To know the answer you must multiply 34kVA by the power factor and then by a thousand, as follows: 34 × 0.81 × 1000 = 27540Watts.

Example 2:

An industrial laser printer has a power of 2.7kVA, with a power factor of 0.92, how many Watts does the printer have?

Answer: // The first thing to do is multiply the 2.7kVA by the power factor and then by 1000, the result will be: 2.7 × 0.92 × 1000 = 2484Watts, as you can see the higher the factor of higher power will be Watts, remember that the power factor can not be greater than 1.

Example 3:

An industrial equipment has a power of 18.3kVA, with a power factor of 0.86, how many Watts will the equipment have?

Answer: // To know the kVA, the Watts must be divided between the multiplication of the power factor and 1000, giving as a result: 18.3 × 0.88 × 1000 = 15738 Watts.


kVA to Watts, conversion table, equivalence, transformation (power factor = 0.80):

How many kVA are:Equivalence in Watts:
1 kVAEquals 800 Watts
2 kVA1600 Watts
3 kVA2400 Watts
4 kVA3200 Watts
5 kVA4000 Watts
6 kVA4800 Watts
7 kVA5600 Watts
8 kVA6400 Watts
9 kVA7200 Watts
10 kVA8000 Watts
20 kVA16000 Watts
30 kVA24000 Watts
40 kVA32000 Watts
50 kVA40000 Watts
60 kVA48000 Watts
70 kVA56000 Watts
80 kVA64000 Watts
90 kVA72000 Watts
100 kVA80000 Watts
200 kVA160000 Watts
300 kVA240000 Watts
400 kVA320000 Watts
500 kVA400000 Watts
600 kVA480000 Watts
700 kVA560000 Watts
800 kVA640000 Watts
900 kVA720000 Watts

Note : The conversions of the previous table were made taking into account a power factor of 0.8, for different power factors the calculator that appears at the beginning must be used.


Typical power factor for engines, constructions and appliances.

Typical Un-improved Power Factor by Industry:

IndustryPower Factor
Auto Parts0.75-0.80
Coal Mine0.65-0.80
Machine Manufacturing0.60-0.65
Metalworking 0.65-0.70
Office Building0.80-0.90
Oil field Pumping0.40-0.60
Paint Manufacturing0.65-0.70
Steel Works0.65-0.80
Tool, dies, jigs industry0.65-0.75

Typical power factor of common household electronics:

Electronics devicePower Factor
Magnavox Projection TV – standby0,37
Samsung 70″ 3D Bluray0,48
Digital Picture Frame0,52
ViewSonic Monitor0,5
Dell Monitor0,55
Magnavox Projection TV0,58
Digital Picture Frame0,6
Digital Picture Frame0,62
Digital Picture Frame0,65
Philips 52″ Projection TV0,65
Digital Picture Frame0,73
Xbox Kinect0,75
Xbox 3600,78
Sharp Aquos 3D TV0,95
PS3 Move0,98
Playstation 30,99
Element 41″ Plasma TV0,99
Current large, flat-screen television0,96
Windows-mount air conditioner0,9
Legacy CRT-Based color television0,7
Legacy flat panel computer monitor0,64
While-LED lighting fixture0,61
Legacy laptop power adapter0,55
Laser Printer0,5
Incandescent lamps1
Fluorescent lamps (uncompensated)0,5
Fluorescent lamps (compensated)0,93
Discharge lamps0,4-0,6

Typical Motor Power Factors:

PowerSpeedPower Factor
(hp)(rpm)1/2 load3/4 loadfull load
0 – 518000.720.820.84
5 – 2018000.740.840.86
20 – 10018000.790.860.89
100 – 30018000.810.880.91

Reference // Power Factor in Electrical Energy Management-A. Bhatia, B.E.-2012

Power Factor Requirements for Electronic Loads in California- Brian Fortenbery,2014
Qualify calculator from kVA to Watts:  [kkstarratings]