The conversion of kVA to volts is easy, in this article you will find the calculator of kVA to volts or Volts to kVA , only you must enter the parameters requested by the online calculator.
In order to facilitate the calculation some illustrative examples are shown, the formula of kVA to volts, how to perform the conversion kVA to Volts in 2 steps and a table with equivalences of kVA to Volts.
Formula of kVA to Volts:
- I AC = Amps.
- V L-L = Voltage Line-Line.
- V L-N = Line-Neutral Voltage.
- S (kVA 1Ø) = kVA monophasic.
- S (kVA 2Ø) = biphasic kVA.
- S (kVA 3Ø) = three-phase kVA.
How to convert from kVA to Volts in only 2 steps:
Step 1:
Initially you must multiply the variables of kVA by 1000.
Step 2:
Then the result of step 1 must be divided between the multiplication of the root of three (√3) and the amperage (I). Byexample: A vacuum has a current of 5.5Amp and 2.1 kVA, to find the voltage it should multiply 2.1kVAx1000 and divide the result between 5.5Ampx√3, being as follows: (2.1kVAx1000) / (5, 5Ampx√3) = 220Volt.
Examples of kVA to Volts:
Example 1:
A monofasic video beam has an amperage of 3.4 Amp and a power in kVA of 0.43 kVA, how many volts will the video beam have ?.
Answer:// To know the Volts of the video beam you have to multiply the variables of kVA by 1000, in the following way: 0.43kVAx1000 = 430, then you must divide the previous result between the 3.4 Amp equipment current, as follows: 430 / 3.4 = 127Voltios line-neutral.
Example 2:
A biphasic pumping system has an amperage of 14.5Amp and a power of 3.48kVA, how many volts will the pumping system have ?.
Answer:// To know the answer you must multiply 3.48Ampx1000 and divide the previous result between 2 × 14.5Amp, the result will be: 120Volts.
Example 3:
In a kitchen there is a mixer with an amperage of 3.9Amp and a power of 1.62kVA, how many volts will the mixer have ?.
Answer:// To know the answer of how many volts the mixer has, the variables should be multiplied and divided as follows: (1.62kVAx1000) / (√3 × 3.9Amp) = 240volts.
Table kVA to Volts (Amperes = 10Amp, AC, 3F):
How many kVA are: | Equivalence to Volts: |
2,1 kVA | Equivalent to 121 Volts |
2,2 kVA | 127 Volts |
4,4 kVA | 254 Volts |
4,4 kVA | 254 Volts |
5,1 kVA | 294 Volts |
8,2 kVA | 473 Volts |
10 kVA | 577 Volts |
17,4 kVA | 1004 Volts |
26 kVA | 1501 Volts |
72 kVA | 4156 Volts |
87 kVA | 5022 Volts |
132 kVA | 7621 Volts |
139 kVA | 8025 Volts |
197 kVA | 11373 Volts |
229 kVA | 13221 Volts |
260 kVA | 15011 Volts |
381 kVA | 21997 Volts |
433 kVA | 24999 Volts |
520 kVA | 30022 Volts |
598 kVA | 34525 Volts |
606 kVA | 34987 Volts |
693 kVA | 40010 Volts |
797 kVA | 46014 Volts |
996 kVA | 57504 Volts |
1143 kVA | 65991 Volts |
1195 kVA | 68993 Volts |
1992 kVA | 115008 Volts |
2390 kVA | 137986 Volts |
3984 kVA | 230016 Volts |
Note: Previous conversions are made from a 10 Amp amperage and three phase AC power. For different variables you should use the online calculator that appears at the beginning.
How to use the calculator:
The first thing you should do is choose the number of phases, then you must enter the data shown on the left side of the calculator, it is important to check what is requested in the table (voltage type Line-Neutral or Linea-Linea) to which of this will depend the correct result of the calculation, then the power must be entered in kVA and finally the amperage.
Qualify calculator from kVA to Volts: