kW to kWh – Calculator, conversion, 1 phase, 2 phases, 3 phases

With this tool you can convert from kW to kWh , in addition to explaining the formula and showing some common conversions.

We also show descriptive examples , with a table of equivalences and finally the steps for the conversion from kW to kWh.

kW to kWh calculation formula 3phase, 2 phase, 1 phase:formula kW to kwh

  • kW=kiloWatts.
  • kWh=kilowatt-hours.

How to convert kW to kWh in only 1 step.

kw to kwh

Step 1:

Multiply kW by the hours. Example, if you have a TV that consumes 0.250kw and uses 4 hours, you should multiply 0.250kw by 4, the result will be: 1kwh (0.250kwx4 = 1kwh)

Definition kW and kWh:

KW: is Working Power (also called Actual Power or Active Power or Real Power). It is the power that actually powers the equipment and performs useful work.

The real power in watts is the power that performs work or generates heat. Power in watts is the rate at which energy is consumed (or generated). One watt is one joule (energy) per second (1 W = 1 J/s).

Resistive devices or loads such as heaters, incandescent lamps are rated in KW.

kWh: The term kilowatt hour is a term of consumption and is defined to see the power used over a period of time, in this case one hour.

The kilowatt (kW) measures only power, kilowatt hour (kWh).

What is the difference between a kW and a kWh?

Well, the difference is really very simple. Though it only seems simple after you understand it.

kWh is a measure of energy, whilst kW is a measure of power…

What is energy?

Electricity and other fuels supply energy in a form that we can use to run the equipment in our buildings.

The relationship between energy consumption (kWh) and time

A typical building uses more energy over long periods of time than it does over short periods of time:

  • On February 16th 2010 a building might have used 95 kWh.
  • Over the week starting April 12th 2010 it might have used 550 kWh.
  • From January 1st 2009 to December 31st 2009 it might have used 31,250 kWh.

Given the three figures above, we can easily see that the building used more energy over the course of 2009 than it did on February 16th 2010. No surprises there.

However, we can’t immediately compare the efficiency of the building over each of those periods. If a kWh figure covers a day, we can only compare it fairly with other kWh figures that cover a day. If a kWh figure covers a week, we can only fairly compare it with other kWh figures that cover a week.

If we have the kWh from February and the kWh from March, we can’t really compare the two figures fairly, because February is typically 28 days long, whilst March is 31 days long.

Energy consumption expressed in terms of kWh doesn’t often mean much unless you also know the length of the period that the kWh were measured over. And it’s difficult to make fair comparisons between kWh figures unless they are all from periods of exactly the same length. Figures expressed in terms of power (e.g. kW) make many things more straightforward…

What is power?

Power is the rate at which energy is generated or used.

The kW is a unit of power.

(Strictly speaking energy isn’t actually generated or used, it’s converted from one form into another. Like how the energy stored in oil is converted into heat when you burn it. And like how the electricity that runs a fan is converted into the motion of the fan blade (kinetic energy). But this is a distinction that people generally don’t worry about when they’re staring at an excessive energy bill and wondering how they can “use” less energy.)

So power is a measure of how fast something is generating or using energy. The higher a building’s kW, the faster that building is using energy.

Joules per second (J/s) is a nice, clear unit of power. Joules per second makes it obvious that power is the rate at which energy is being generated or used. It’s like how miles per hour makes it obvious that speed is the rate at which distance is being travelled.

The watt (W) is another unit of power. It doesn’t make it quite so obvious what power means. But the watt is actually just another name for Joules per second. J/s and W are the same thing. Just some bright spark decided that equations and whatnot would be simpler if power had its own unit (instead of being expressed using units of energy and time together). And they named this unit after James Watt, the Scottish inventor who had an important hand in the development of the steam engine.

So, joules per second (J/s) is a measure of power… The watt (W) is a measure of power… And the kilowatt (kW) is a measure of power too (one kW being 1000 watts).

kW to kWh table chart for conversion, equivalence, transformation:

1 kW1 Hr1 kwh
2 kW1 Hr2 kwh
3 kW1 Hr3 kwh
4 kW1 Hr4 kwh
5 kW1 Hr5 kwh
6 kW1 Hr6 kwh
7 kW1 Hr7 kwh
8 kW1 Hr8 kwh
9 kW1 Hr9 kwh
10 kW1 Hr10 kwh
20 kW2 Hr40 kwh
30 kW2 Hr60 kwh
40 kW2 Hr80 kwh
50 kW2 Hr100 kwh
60 kW2 Hr120 kwh
70 kW2 Hr140 kwh
80 kW2 Hr160 kwh
90 kW2 Hr180 kwh
100 kW2 Hr200 kwh
200 kW3 Hr600 kwh
300 kW3 Hr900 kwh
400 kW3 Hr1200 kwh
500 kW3 Hr1500 kwh
600 kW3 Hr1800 kwh
700 kW3 Hr2100 kwh
800 kW3 Hr2400 kwh
900 kW3 Hr2700 kwh
1000 kW3 Hr3000 kwh
2000 kW4 Hr8000 kwh
3000 kW4 Hr12000 kwh
4000 kW4 Hr16000 kwh
5000 kW4 Hr20000 kwh
6000 kW4 Hr24000 kwh
7000 kW4 Hr28000 kwh
8000 kW4 Hr32000 kwh
9000 kW4 Hr36000 kwh
10000 kW4 Hr40000 kwh
20000 kW5 Hr100000 kwh
30000 kW5 Hr150000 kwh
40000 kW5 Hr200000 kwh
50000 kW5 Hr250000 kwh
60000 kW5 Hr300000 kwh
70000 kW5 Hr350000 kwh
80000 kW5 Hr400000 kwh
90000 kW5 Hr450000 kwh
100000 kW5 Hr500000 kwh

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